Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Location

Sorry Blogspot, but you bore me. I've moved to tumblr.


Not hard to remember.

Au revoir

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A long overdue update

I won the Brisk Emerging Artist contest! Meaning I won $10,000. I made another design for the Mango Iced tea bottles, but I guess the whole project is being postponed and Brisk is actually only using the Design from one of the three winners. So even though I informed many people that my Design would be distributed nationwide on these bottles, that is no longer the case. It is a bummer but I am still really happy that I won of course. I would share the second design I made but I signed a bunch of legal documents about confidentiality.

Another cool thing I did in the realm of graphic design is I made a T-shirt design for the Oregon State Student Philanthropy Council. Actually, I was asked to make something by my Boss at the OSU foundation because of the Brisk Emerging Artist Contest, so that's another thing to be thankful for. Here is the T-Shirt design, it's nothing too extravagant though. The orange that was actually printed on the shirts is brighter.

Hopefully I don't neglect this blog any more and keep posting current updates and projects. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Brisk Emerging Artist Contest

I am in an Art contest currently, and could use your help! I submitted a piece I did on photoshop into the Brisk Emerging Artist Contest, and have made it into the semi finals. Now its up to everyone to vote for my artwork :) I can win a $10,000 scholarship. Your votes are MUCH appreciated. This is the piece I submitted. 

Here is the link where you can vote, you need to have a facebook account though :)

I'm working on a few other things right now that I will post very soon! 

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'm blogging?

Well...I've never blogged before. The main reason I'm doing this is to promote projects I do with graphic design or video. So far the only thing I have to show is the picture at the top of my page, I was just playing around and its kinda what inspired me to start a blog in the first place...I'll post more photoshop things later cause that's all I have right now.

Amba Stark